Re: [orca-list] ClipboardNotification


I'm the maintainer of that extension. I didn't update it yet, as I was
waiting for 3.8 release (so everything would be more stable) and then I
had a holidays week. I think that probably the update would be easy, as
that extension doesn't have any UI at all. I will update that extension
as soon as I get a spare moment. I will notify the update on this list
when it is ready.

Thanks for the feedback

On 04/23/2013 07:54 PM, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Hi all.
ClipboardNotification is a shell extension that sends an atk
notification when clipboard content changes.
This allows the Orca to announce when something is copied to the
Unless I'm doing something wrong, it seems that the extension stopped
working after I upgrade to gnome 3.8.
Is there any more appropriate place to post this question?
Any suggestions?

Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

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