Re: [orca-list] Twitter?

Hey Kyle, all.

I'll checkout Corebird and see what I can do to implement your
suggestions. It's the least I can do for y'all putting up with my
refactor and deprecation related instability. <smiles>

Thanks for the tip!

On 12/16/2013 07:16 PM, Kyle wrote:
Corebird is now my personal favorite Twitter client. WOrks quite well
with Orca, and receives tweets in realtime. About the only thing that
would make it perfect would be adding notifications as a tweet is
received. Either this or some Orca scripting that would automatically
read tweets as they come in and repeat using orca+f1-f9 keys, similar to
Pidgin. Still, Corebird is by far the best, even without scripting or

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