[orca-list] arch linux, xfce and orca was Very strange bugs in orca when using xfce 4.10

I am trying to replicate what you have done.
I am on current version of arch. I havent got installed gnome on this machine. I have followed install guide, beginners guide to install the base system and configure x server.
Then i have installed xfce.
I can login to the system using the text console and then type startx in order to start xfce.
Xfce starts up fine.
I have added gtk modules variable into the ~/.xinitrc as suggested.
On first launch of xfce I have been greeted by some kind of setup assistant or something. I was unable to dismiss this using the keyboard so I have asked my 8 years old daughter to click the default button using the mouse. She briefly read the screen to me but it had something to do with configuration of the pannel so I no longer paid attention to that because I think this is not important to what I am trying to do.
At this point I was able to press alt+f2 and type in orca.
Orca did not start speaking so I have verified on the text console it is not running and tryed to start orca -t in the text console.
This is the usefull error message I have got on the text console:
Settings schema 'org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications' is not installed
So I have googled a bit and installed the package gsettings-desktop-schemas using pacman to overcome this. Perhaps we can suggest arch orca packagers to add this as a dependency to orca. Then starting orca started speech-dispatcher which was configured to use pulseaudio and since I havent got pulse audio I have edited the file /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf and changed the output module to alsa.
Now orca starts but the only thing which is accessible is the orca 
window also the orca settings window.
Can you please guide me how can I enable xfce accessibility? I think 
this is the point I may be missing.
Thanks and greetings


On 7. 11. 2012 21:43, kendell clark wrote:
I was able to get xfce 4.10 to work accessibly by creating a .xinitrc
file in my home folder with the following lines in it. Note that you
still need to enable accessibility in xfce 4.10, because this only makes
it accessible enough to enable the setting.
export gtk_modules=gail:atk-bridge
If you want to be able to type startx in the terminal to start xfce4 add
the line,  exec startxfce4.
These instructions work on arch linux. I think they work on ubuntu too,
but I recall being told somewhere that you need to put the export
gtk_modules bit in a gtkrc2.0 file. Where that is, I'm not sure. You
will also need to be sure that the version of xfce in ubuntu is at least
4.10, because any earlier than that does not have the accessibility
On 11/07/2012 02:20 PM, Peter Vágner wrote:
I am sorry for adding more questions than possible answers but I
really could not resist and am verry curious.
Something like this frequently happens on my machine with Ubuntu 12.04.
For example if I am waiting for a website in firefox to load and it is
taking a noticeable time I am left without a feetback for a little while.
While I am curious I tend to press a key or alt+tab to the other
window and from this moment orca is unable to respond to its keystrokes.
It is even possible to get into this state while trying to use flat
review in several applications most noticeably firefox and
thunderbird, also ubuntu application center.
I do have 64 bit machine and I am running 64 bit edition of ubuntu 12.04.
Sometimes restarting orca helps, sometimes restarting the machine is
needed. I am unable to reliably restart x since I am unable to get the
login prompt with orca working at all.
After restarting the machine apport comes up with a bunch of reports
to send. No mather whether I allow it to do its thing or not the
result is the same. I am occassionally sending out these automatic
reports for some 3 or 4 months now without noticeable change.
While i was discussing this at the ubuntu accessibility list before a
few months the suggestion I havent tried is running 32 bit edition of
ubuntu to compare and make sure this is not the issue.

Also I am currious were you able to get xfsce configured your self or
had you a sighted help? I feel the whole system is much more laggy
than windows no mather which version of linux I am running. I have
tried gnome and unity so far. Perhaps xfsce might be a little bit
better in this regard. What do you think?

excuse me once more for a lot of questions.



On 7. 11. 2012 19:47, kendell clark wrote:
Hi all
Since we're all discussing bugs, let me add in a couple I've found when
using xfce 4.10 on arch linux. I do have the accessibility settings
enabled in xfce, so it does work with orca, however there are some hard
to reproduce bugs. For example, if I close an ap in xfce, terminal, for
example, orca will randomly crash, causing me to have to restart. Once
orca is restarted with killall -9 orca killall -9 speech-dispatcher,
orca --replace, orca starts up fine, but then refuses to read almost
anything in xfce. The applications menu, any gtk aps I open. The only
fix that I've seen is to either kill x, which can sometimes work, or
restart the machine. There are also lots and lots of speech-dispatcher
segfaults, though i have no idea at all if this is orca related, or a
speech-dispatcher bug. I'm not using pulseaudio at all, but using
speech-dispatcher with alsa, and if there is a phrase that is too long,
perhapse more than a dozen words, the espeak module will segfault out.
Is there a way I can add debug info to orca so if something segfaults, I
can provide orca's tracebacks? If so, i'll put it in my script that
starts orca at login, so it will work from the get go. Sorry for not
being more help, These bugs are not very predictable but they do happen.
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