Re: [orca-list] frotz

W dniu 2013-06-24 16:19, mattias napisał(a):
i find the frotz package
but no swedish letter support!!
This is not orca related problem. Frotz works in ISO-8859-1 encoding, 
while your terminal probably works in UTF-8 and displaying swedish 
characters is broken.
There are two ways:
1) in gnome-terminal select menu terminal - encoding, set encoding to ISO-8895-1 and run frotz inside this terminal 2) in any terminal you can use luit command to run frotz, something like:
luit -encoding ISO-8859-1 frotz Aventyr.z5

Orca works in both cases - tested very shortly with Emil voice, as my swedish is limited to "hjälp" :)
-- - Pa pa, Ivonko!

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