[orca-list] Orca Controlled Remotely With VNC


On 10/20/2013, Bill Cox rote that he was able to control Orca remotely
through VNC.  My company has gone almost totally to a server-based model
where the users have Microsoft Windows running VNC.  While SecureCRT gives
me excellent character-based access to Linux, I am operating at a major
disadvantage because I cannot run many of our vender-based GUI programs.
Our company uses Red Hat Linux 5.7. Mr. Cox's note is copied below my

How is the remote access working out?

Would Mr. Cox get in touch with me privately so that I can discuss his


Louis Maher
ljmaher swbell net

On 10/20/2013 7:40 AM, Bill Cox wrote:
block quote
I want to control my Ubuntu 13.04 server using Orca through VNC.  I'm able
to port-forward speech-hub from my Windows laptop to port 6560 on the Ubuntu
server, and Orca talks to it just fine.  The only problem I'm having is that
the caps-lock key and insert key do not seem to get passed to the
that Ubuntu runs by default if you share your desktop.  I'm able to use
keyboard navigation to listen to text, but I can't issue any Orca commands
require the Orca key. 

Is there any known solution for this?  I think it would be awesome to be
able to control a remote Orca desktop over VNC or something similar.


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