Re: [orca-list] chattiness in eclipse with orca 3.11

Hey José.

There is a combo box in the screen and seems that when I press down
arrow eclipse emits a OBJECT:SELECTION-CHANGED  event for the combo box,
even if the combo is enabled. I don't know why.
So when you are in the table, there is a combo box that is not in the
table whose selection is changing??

If that is the case, could you ignore selection-changed events coming
from that combo box when <something> is the case? As for what the
<something> is.... You'll need to see what is the case when the events
are valid, i.e. when you're in the combo box and arrow:

* What's the locusOfFocus?
* What all is in the state sset of the combo box?
* Any other clues that makes it possible to reliably distinguish when
  that combo box is active versus when it is not?

Keep in mind that you'll want to consider both collapsed and expanded
interactions with the combo box.

Hope this helps. And let me know what you find out. Thanks!

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