Re: [orca-list] orca responding slow in thunderbird message tree

I think the responsiveness of Thunderbird has decreased significantly after upgrading to Thunderbird 24. However the issue is only when changing folders. So while using folders treeview to locate a folder, then tabbing into the message list we have to wait even up to a few seconds until we can browse the message list. I understand it may take time to populate the list if there are a lot of messages it may indeed take a while. This is however happening even with the empty folders and folders with only a few messages inside. It is happening with local folders, with imap folders too.
But as I currently see it with prior versions it was possible to browse 
the list even while it was not fully populated.
Other than this the Thunderbird 24 is working like a breeze for me.



On 01.10.2013 10:13, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
You can try press the f8 key to disable the message preview.

Also in view/layout menu you'll find an option to disable the message preview.
On 10/01/2013 02:04 AM, Krishnakant Mane wrote:
Hello all,

I wish to know if there is a way to disable the preview window in
I see off late that thunderbird with Orca is responding slow.
I browse the messages using up and down arrow but the response is late.
I feel this is probably due to the way Thunderbird loades message as
soon as it is selected using arrow.
So even before I hit enter on a message it is getting loaded.
This might be the cause for slow response with Orca.
Is there a way to stop this from happening.
I don't think preview windows is some thing I like using.
I never press f6 to read the message so I find it personally useless.
So please suggest some way.
Happy hacking.

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