Re: [orca-list] Some major fixes committed to master, please test

Hi Joanie.
Great job and congratulations.

I only have two things to say:
1. "Show de bola", Expression used in Brazil to say that one thing was excellent.
2. I'll take a beer to celebrate.

On 09/02/2013 08:20 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey all.

Over the past couple of days, I have committed a handful of (what I
think are) major fixes. I have tested the heck out of them, but some
additional testing would be appreciated.

Performance related:

* Consider object:active-descendant-changed events as candidates of
   an "event flood." Should help in GtkTreeView instances.

* Only perform braille functions when braille is enabled. For those
   of you using speech output only, you should notice Orca being
   snappier. I found this especially true when typing in a text editor.
   (Optimizing all generation, including braille, is on my to-do list)

Other fixes:

* Work around an issue in presenting text-changed events resulting from
   BackSpace and Delete no longer claiming to be BackSpace and Delete.

* Fixed the completely-broken text attribute support for Gecko.

As a reminder: What I care about, and am asking your help for, now is:
Did I break anything as a result of my changes? Preventing regressions
is the most important thing at the moment.

Many thanks guys!
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{}S José Vilmar Estácio de Souza

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