[orca-list] is Unity 3d production ready for Orca

Dear all,
I am wondering if Ubuntu-gnome is the only option for serious use of latest Orca. What I mean to ask is if Ubuntu 14.04 can be used very well with it's dea pfault Unity 3d system?
Is it as good as the old Unity 2d?
I had asked a few questions about gnome shell and I still don't seem to find a way around things like notifications when for example pen drive is inserted or wifi connection is available. I found it rather comfortable when a pen drive just opened or would be available in the launcher bar. Also the fact that favorites menu is accessible with Unity with just alt f1 in 14.04.
I tested the live cd and on the surface it looked pretty accessible.
I see orca's performance has also improved drastically.
But I wish to know if I can just go ahead with Unity 3d for my production machine? I used Sonar with gnome shell 3.6 or what ever was available on that, it was based on Ubuntu 13.10. Has Ubuntu 14.04 gnome version taken an updated gnome-shell version than 13.10?
If yes then may be my impressions about Gnome-shell are outdated.
So could some one kindly clear my doubts?
Happy hacking

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