Re: [orca-list] Quick key for clickables?

I vote for a as well, for a lot of the same reasons Alex pointed out below. I'm really glad to see this feature coming to Orca. Keep up the good work to all who work on it.


On 8/13/2014 10:18 AM, Alex Midence wrote:
I withdraw slash as an option then.  No conflicts should be introduced that impede normal use of 
applications. I now vote for a.  Clickables are not links.  I don't think they should be lumped in with them. 
 That would cause confusion if an onclick item has as its event the appearance of a combo box, menu or the 
playing of media but has you stay on the same page.  A link takes you to a new destination either on the same 
page i.e. a same page link or to a new page.  Screenreaders that support them have them bound to their own 
key for quick navigation and announce them as clickables or, at least clickable links and I think they are 
spot on with their approach. I really hope it doesn't wind up getting bound to k.

Alex M.

-----Original Message-----
From: orca-list [mailto:orca-list-bounces gnome org] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 4:18 PM
To: orca-list   
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Quick key for clickables?

Hi Alex and all,

I do see a possible conflict here. The slash key brings up the find/search box in Firefox. I happen to use 
that command all the time to find something I'm looking for on the page and it would be annoying if Orca 
intercepted that command looking for a clickable when I was intending to do a search. So we probably should 
find another command for clickables.


On 8/12/14, Alex Midence <alex midence gmail com> wrote:
I like / for clickables.  It's easy to hit without being too easy to
hit accidentally.  This is what it's bound to in windows and I use it
extensively on stuff like online calendars where they just love clickables.

Alex M

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