Re: [orca-list] Built in Controls for Espeak Pretty Please with Sugar, cheeries, whatever it takes on top :)

On 8/29/14, Fernando Botelho <Fernando Botelho f123 org> wrote:
My suggestion is to improve Speech-Dispatcher. Many software development
projects have been started in the past with the intention of
substituting a classic piece of code only to waste a lot of resources
and years later have little or nothing to show for it.
+1. OpenTTS, SpeechHub, etc. Forks and forks and forks... It's a mess.
These all have basic functionality, or the same functionality under a
different package name.
Fix SD at least so it doesn't lag on a quad core machine. Also, there
should be a way to have synth-specific options, because easpeak at
100% without sonic is just painful to do anything productive. Not much
more than a toy if you can't use snappy TTS. That's like having a cane
that relays the info to your ears and arm 0.5 seconds after you are
about to drop into a big crack in the sidewalk, .. or a brick wall.

I don't dev software. i'm a music kinda dude. Just my 2 cents, and
enjoy the rest of your weekend all.


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