Re: [orca-list] beginning work on an NVDA like controller

Well to tell you my story on this I don't request this.
I can remember some guys wishing something like this to happen hoping for improved responsiveness after removing one layer from the chain started at screen reading going through speech dispatcher to the actual speech synthesis. Also I do have some python2 code here from times when I was trying to use libespeak from python directly when trying to contribute to XBMC TTS. I don't know what I am doing wrong but espeak often segfaults for me when calling it from XBMC built-in python interpreter so I haven't moved this experiment further trying to implement espeak speech server factory in orca. Perhaps in the future I'll get a bit of motivation because it may still be interesting maybe just as a little experiment.
Today I was just thinking loudly that something like what Kendel is 
looking for is not really necessary. While interfacing to 
speech-dispatcher you can already influence interuption, when doing say 
all in orca your app can kick in and speech dispatcher will speak the 
text sent to it by your app at the end of the clause and you can decide 
whether you would like the same or different parameters.
Hopefully I am not putting that strong arguments here. I understand we 
are in an open-source world so everyone can try experimenting with the 
features and it is good idea even to increase our experience so still if 
you like it then please go for it.



On 11.12.2014 at 15:51 Halim sahin wrote:
Hi Peter,
You don't realy request direct speech support in orca without using speechd?

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