Re: [orca-list] Geany, SciTE and other Scintilla based applications

For sure anyone has the right to be tired, have a different set of priorities than we do or just plain be 
It's also possible that the guy just doesn't know what's required to add accessibility code and doesn't have 
the time 
for, or
can't be bothered with this right now.
Anyone who approaches him in what ever way should certainly understand this and be respectful. 
That all being said there's a good chance that the authorin question isn't aware of the interest that 
dependent users have in his software. Hearing that there are many people who are interested may influence his 
assuming he has any for this, i.e. he is  actively working on it these days.
Don't be pushy, demanding, overly aggressive, but asking and or making a brief case for this work may make a 
if not this week, maybe next year. 
As stated, if you really want something done, well do it or find someone who you can get to do it for you. 
Unless you have 
money to pay to get it done this of course means finding someone who cares and has the skills to fix things.
I've barely heard of the programs in question,so have no dog in this fight as it were. 
What applications are accessible that come closest to doing what this software does?


On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 04:20:37PM +0100, Mike Ray wrote:
I wouldn't refer to trying to pressure Neil Hodgson into adding
accessibility to Scintilla as 'peer pressure'.  He wrote it, he
unfortunately has every right to refuse to spend time adding accessibility.

Happily as it's open source there's no reason why somebody else should
not do the necessary work.

I get as frustrated as anybody with inaccessible apps but we don't have
a right to bulldozer authors into doing stuff they don't want to do.

On 15/07/2014 15:01, John Heim wrote:
Sounds like time for some peer pressure.  I'll have a go at it soon as
I have some time. That probably won't be until at least next week.

On 07/15/14 01:49, Mike Ray wrote:
He just said no.

And then made some comments about Microsoft changing their accessibility
interface which made introduction of a11y in the Windows version

And something about any changes needing to be backwards-compatible to
earlier gtk versions.

However he did express a willingness to incorporate any a11y changes a
competent developer might add.

I think everything except the actual edit control, being standard gtk
widgets basically work.  Although Scintilla code-completion and
call-tips are likely to be more of a problem, as they are on Windows.

I will have a look at atk and how to interface to at-spi but I know very
little about gtk or atk at the moment.


On 15/07/2014 07:23, Tony Baechler wrote:
Did he give a reason why?  I'm not a programmer, but could a patch be
written easily or would that require a lot of extra code?  I'm
thinking that
Debian for example often ships source patches to fix bugs and add
  Obviously, if it's a lot of work, it's not worth it, but if the major
distros could ship a patched version with accessibility, that could
be a
possible solution.

On 2014-07-14 04:21 PM, Mike Ray wrote:

Today I asked Neil Hodgson, the author of the Scintilla control
which is
used by Geany, SciTE and a number of other gtk tools, if he would
consider adding accessibility code to the gtk version of Scintilla.

He said no.


Michael A. Ray
Witley, Surrey, South-east UK

The box said: 'install Windows XP, 7 or better'. So I installed Linux

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