Re: [orca-list] can someone convert the vinux iso file for the intel x86 processor to the zip format and send it to me?

Hi, You will not be able to get a zip file emailled to you with an iso image inside. ISO images are the size of a dvd or CD disk, so it is 700 megabyte or 4.7 gigabyte. Such files cannot be emailed, you will have to download the ISO from somewhere. You will also not be able to run it on your Apex, but I think you are aware of that.
HTH, Willem

On Fri, 30 May 2014, Isaac Sebastian wrote:

Hello, All,

The Voicenote Apex is the only working computer I have right now, so I was wondering if someone could download the vinux iso file, convert it to the zip format, because that is the only compressed file tipe that the Voicenote apex supports and then send it to me. I will need this zip file by this afternoon. Is this possible? Please let me know.

Isaac Sebastian
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