Re: [orca-list] Orca 3.12.2 broken on Gedit of Trisquel

In Gedit, the speech is unbelivably faster. Words can't be understood.
Everything converts itself in noises.

I have installed Mousepad. It works, but when a non UTF-i file is
opened a dialog is presented to collect the encoding from user. It
seems to be a little burocratic.

So I decided to install Leafpad. Yes, it seems perfect. I adopt this
solution for the problem.

Thank you for the valuable tip!

2014-11-07 21:09 GMT-02:00, luciano de souza <luchyanus gmail com>:
Hello all,

I have installed the last version of Trisquel here mentioned. It comes
with Orca 3.12.2.

In Gedit, I observed a severe problem. Suddenly, the reading is cut.
It's impossible to understand. I change to another window, I come back
to Gedit and the reading is normal. After less of one minute, the
problem restarts.

Dos someone how to fix it?


Luciano de Souza

Luciano de Souza

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