Re: [orca-list] Queries regarding e-book readers for Visually Impaired

It should be possible to extend the library for daisy3, but rather than doing that, I would go for the kolibre player. They now have a bransh for offline playback as well as their daisy online player. mr. Dun who wrote the cainteoir library will likely be prepaired to extend for daisy3, but then someone will have to pay him for the work. I have tested the kolibre online player and found it to be good, but it did not read all daisy books. I am too busy at the moment to test the offline player, but want to do so.
HTH, Willem

On Sun, 16 Nov 2014, kendell clark wrote:

Hash: SHA512

THis sounds interesting. Building now. Is there any chance this
cainteoir can be extended to handle daisy 3? Possibly  daisy 2, but
daisy 3 is nearly identical to epub, just slightly different xml tags.
I can give the standards if anyone needs them. I cannot code in c, but
I cannot stress enough how much this would benefit the blind linux
community if we had a convenient, gui daisy reader app.
Kendell clark

On 11/16/2014 11:27 PM, Willem van der Walt wrote:
There is cainteoir which now supports epub3 with media overlays.
The player, however is not feature-ritch at the moment.  If someone
is good at writing c++, that player could be expanded to be quite
good. The cainteoir library supports reading a number of formats.
On Android, there is a player called menestrelo which is good for
reading epub3. HTH, Willem

On Sun, 16 Nov 2014, Steve Holmes wrote:

That’s too bad about epub readers. I think these other solutions
involving conversions and kludging around with other formats
just ruins the epub experience. I really like the direct
navigation features found in Apple’s iBooks applications on all
their devices. I wonder if evince can deal with PDF books though.
Has anyone had a chance to try this? Many times, books are
released in PDF as an alternative to epub but still include much
of the navigations normally available in epub. My biggest
complaint with converting stuff to plain text or whatever is you
lose all that rich navigation that comes with hyper text
publications. Even HTML books navigate OK but you can’t place
bookmarks throughout the text with a web browser.

On Nov 6, 2014, at 8:46 PM, Dhairyashil Bhosale
<dhairyashil bhosale584 gmail com> wrote:

HI, As you mentioned about e-book reader, the FBReader,
CoolReader and Calibre e-book readers are widely used on Linux
platform but I am also looking some other e-book reader that
will support all type of e-book format and will accessible with
Orca. So I have some information regarding to your queries
What are the tools available to read e-books?
:- The FBReader, CoolReader and Calibre are available for Linux
and Android platform. but FBReader and CoolReader have limited
support for e-book format, but Calibre support all type of
e-book format and Calibre is open source for Linux platform but
not for Android. Lucidor is also used for reading e-books but
its have limited feature.

Accessibility issues (if any) with e-book reader?
:-  The FBReader, CoolReader and Calibre are not accessible to
orca. I used these e-book reader with Orca but Orca is not able
to read these e-book readers. But Lucidor e-book reader is
accessible with orca screen reader, but it have some issue
while reading e-books.

Navigation related issues with e-book reader?
:- while using these e-book reader they have limited
navigation feature, if we press mouce-scroll button for zoom-in
then it will not work as page number wise. so these e-book
readers have limited navigation facilities.

With Regards, Dhairyashil

6.  Queries regarding e-book readers for Visually Impaired
(Leena Chourey)

Message: 6 Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 15:18:49 +0530 From: Leena
Chourey <leenagour gmail com> To: Orca-list
<orca-list gnome org>,    gnome-accessibility-list
<gnome-accessibility-list gnome org>,   evince-list gnome org,
poppler lists freedesktop org Subject: [orca-list] Queries
regarding e-book readers for Visually Impaired Message-ID:

<CAD-S5bOtwATLYwtoKXruHG=XknecYOREuicH3aLaHmx1_rSwrQ mail gmail com>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Dear all,

While exploring about the e-book reading facility for Visually
Impaired, I found that various formats like epub, pdf are
availble. Various readers like FBReader, Coolreader, Caliber
people use. Please help to find answer for my queries about

- What are the tools available to read e-books? - Is it require
to have specific readers to read e-books? - Widely used e-book
readers working on Linux & Android platform and with screen
reader like Orca - Accessibility issues (if any) with e-book
reader - Navigation related issues with e-book reader

With regards


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