Re: [orca-list] OT: my reasons for wanting daisy players

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Sweet, works for me. Here's an example that should be simple to
reproduce. Install either dolphin-emu, the package  could be different
in your distribution, or the 7zip file manager. In arch the packages
are dolphin-emu and p7zip. In both of these applications, the list
view is completely inaccessible. Orca can't even detect that it's a
list. just says either dolphin-emu 4.0.1 pkgbuild inaccessible, or
7zip file manager inaccessible. The menus work, and in dolphin's case,
the dialogs work except the controller config, which might be a
separate bug. What should happen is orca should say in dolphin's case,
I'm not sure what the list is called, but guessing something like
games list. In 7zip file manager's case on windows it simply says list
view, so it might not have a name, so the rolls are not properly being
set, and or labeled.
 I'll file a bug in just a few minutes, must get some coffee. What
should I call it? If I cannot log in to gnome bugzilla, I had some
issues with this a while back,I'll email back.
Thanks a lot, I want to get these issues fixed, and this should help a
lot of applications, not just the two I've listed.
Kendell clark
On 11/19/2014 08:26 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey Kendell.

On 11/19/2014 08:43 PM, kendell clark wrote:

etc? So I can file a bug against them and get them fixed. Joanie,
 would you mind helping me with this one? I can file the bugs but
I don't know how to debug, or how to tell them how to fix them
if they ask, because I suspect this was not deliberate, just them
not knowing much about linux a11y
I'd be happy to help. And, yeah, it's surly not deliberate.

Tell you what: Let's start with a single bug with a single test
case. Something that's really easy for you and I both to reproduce.
File it against Orca for now (i.e. in GNOME's bugzilla). Then in
the Orca bug you file, I'll do some triaging, explain what I'm
seeing and not seeing, maybe create a stand-alone listener that can
be used without Orca to reproduce the bug, etc., etc. I'll answer
any questions you have. Then, once you understand the whole thing,
you can file the proper and official bug against the app or toolkit
explaining the problem and how to reproduce it without Orca. That
way, we keep the "noise" over here and just give them what they
need to hopefully move forward. If we do this a few times, I think
you'll get the hang of it and can then start directly filing the
bug against the app or toolkit in question.

Take care. --joanie

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