Re: [orca-list] Eclipse Code Completion

And appearently C as well. I have discovered, much to my surprise,
that it will also open up and close braces. Is it possible, for the
Orca devs, to tell us when a brace opens or closes? For example, it
could say "A brace opened at line five, the closing brace is at ten".
Or is it possible to script this somehow?

On 11/29/14, Luis González <luisg123v gmail com> wrote:
And PHP.

2014-11-29 5:32 GMT-04:30, Krishnakant Mane <krmane gmail com>:
Works with Python also.
happy hacking.
Krishnakant.On 11/29/2014 03:22 PM, Jann Schneider wrote:

I'm using Eclipse to develop java applications. So i can only give
some hints regarding the java editors but they may fit for other
editors too.

Eclipse some times brings up popups or tooltips which are not
auto-spoken by orca. Well, if it would speak each of them i guess that
would be a little bit too much :-)
You get these tooltips and stuff e.g. for the code completion or for
quick fixes and such things.
To get to the content of such an object just press F2. In most cases
you'll get to a list of elements you can navigate with the cursor
keys. To see a description of the selected list item (if available!)
you might press the right arrow key.
Another important thing about the code assist is that you can cycle
through the various kinds of code templates you have activated in
window -> preferences -> java -> editor -> code assist.... After
pressing Ctrl + Space the first time and afterwards pressing F2 you
might e.g. get java type proposals. Now press Ctrl + Space again to
get the next list for example swt templates or whatever is configured
and activated.

Hope that helps

2014-11-29 1:15 GMT+01:00, Hunter Jozwiak <hunter t joz gmail com>:
Hi guys,
How does code suggestions work in Eclipse with Orca? I don't see that
it is suggesting code ideas to me. If it doesn't do this by default,
how do I set it up?
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Luis F. González V.

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