Re: [orca-list] Current Orca Version?

Well, since I maintain the AUR PKGBUILD for orca-git, I need to figure
out a different way to retrieve the current and correct version number
when pulling from git.

Also, I wasn't aware of different branches in git right now. I did not
see these other branches when I listed them. Maybe I need to review
git commands again <sigh>. Would this mean that my current git pull of
Orca dies not include 3.14 changes?

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 07:09:23AM +0200, Peter V?gner wrote:
What is so confusing to Steve about this is that arch linux AUR package of
orca uses git describe for retrieving its version string. Since git describe
puts latest tag in its description it is now version 3.13.91 or something
verry similar. We had a discussion on this about a week ago on one of these
lists either orca-list or sonar gnu linux support list.
The curent git master produces a version of orca which when instructed to do
so prints its version string as 3.15.something. There has been no tagget
3.15.x release yet it's why AUR PKGBUILD script confuses you all like hell.



On 24.10.2014 at 03:53 Luke Yelavich wrote:
On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 09:04:24PM EDT, Steve Holmes wrote:
I just pulled the latest git version from Master and I still see
3.13.99 in the version of Orca. When I list branches in git with "git
branch -l", it just shows Master. Should there be a later version of
Orca out there?
Git master of orca for me has the version at 3.15.1pre. have you updated your local master branch copy?

As for branches, there is origin/gnome-3-14 which you can get a local checkout of and build. There are 
also tags for the releases.

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