Re: [orca-list] donations

It quite likely doesn't exist in such a concise format.  This document appears to have been  prepared by 
someone at Sun Microsystems back before they got taken over by Oracle and before they let go of Willie Walker 
and Joannie.  They were probably paid to do it.  Consequently, the developer resources for Orca were more 
extensive.  Not sure quite what they are now that Egalia has taken the wheel but it would surprise me greatly 
if an updated version of this document was in existence or it would've been provided to you all the times you 
asked for it.  Every release of orca has a section in the announcement stating what changes were made.  These 
might be gathered together and a summary could be extrapolated.   A search of the Orca list archives should 
yield all the release notes since this pdf was put together which, I am estimating was around the time of 
Orca 2.22.  That's about 12 releases ago.  The changes section is usually about a paragraph long so, it 
shouldn't be too long a job to extrapolate.  Another place to look would be the git repository's web-based 
interface.  I know that places like Github and Gitorious make it possible for you to review changes in a 
project in a somewhat painless manner.  Shyouldn't surprise me if Orca's git repository had a similar 

Alex M

-----Original Message-----
From: Krishnakant Mane [mailto:krmane gmail com] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 9:04 AM
To: Alex Midence; orca-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [orca-list] donations

So where do we get the updated version?
or some thing like what's changed?
It will be necessary if the Orca documentation has to be a one stop solution for those who wish to contribute.
happy hacking.
On Tuesday 02 September 2014 07:11 PM, Alex Midence wrote:
I pulled it up in Windows where pdf viewing is currently superior.  Looks like it's from 2008 or something 
like that.  It refers to Gnome 2.22 or better and Python 2.4 or better.  Orca is in Python 3 these days.  
Joannie has also done some code refactoring so, there are probably significant changes to the code in the 
last 6 years.

-----Original Message-----
From: orca-list [mailto:orca-list-bounces gnome org] On Behalf Of 
Krishnakant Mane
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 2:42 AM
To: orca-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [orca-list] donations

Just for my curious knowledge is this link uptodate?
Happy hacking.

On Tuesday 02 September 2014 05:18 AM, Jason White wrote:
José Vilmar Estácio de Souza <vilmar informal com br> wrote:
I don't know if this can help but there is a file called in 
the directory src/orca with a function called main.

If I am not mistaken, is the code that initializes orca.

According to what I understood, orca reacts based in events.
There is a file called in src/orca/scripts directory that 
implements a function for each event.
When I last looked at this, admittedly some years ago, the code 
wasn't overly difficult to follow, even for someone not experienced in Python.

I would suggest that you try not to be intimidated by this, and 
actually spend time browsing the source code, starting from the 
obvious places such as program initialization. Using indexing tools 
such as ctags should make it much easier to find class and function definitions of interest.

Take notes as you read.

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