Re: [orca-list] skype accessibility

I spoke, or wrote too soon. 
I did not create any directory, and do not have accessiblebridge in lib32/plugins. Did you make that dir?
I have accessible only, and there are widgit .so files there now.
It's been several months since I tried to get skype to talk last time, and I think I cleaned up the copied  
files that did 
not work for me, so can't be 100% sure that I tried here or not. I know for one I put the file in lib/qt4, so 
maybe I am 
in for a pleasant surprise.
I just need to know if I need to mkdir, or if for some reason you had that directory there.
Thank you.

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 09:28:05AM -0300, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
I am using arch and what I did to got some accessibility in skype  was put a
32-bit copy of
 in /usr/lib32/qt/plugins/accessiblebridge.

I grabbed the copy from a 32-bit qt-at-spi package but I can send a copy in
pvt if necessary.

On 09/13/2014 11:59 PM, B. Henry wrote:
Nor cn I get skype to talk on 64bit arch.
If you had 32bit it'd be fine, but some kind of 32bit compile of qt-at-spi is needed I hear, but no one 
has told me
exactly what to do, and nothing I've tried has worked.
On other distros this is pretty easy to resolve  just installing a 32bit qt-at-spi package, and you of 
course do need some
32bit libs for skype to run at all.
I'm out of luck anyway for the moment as I'm not running pulse audio, and rally would prefer not to. 
Latest skype has no
directt alsa support as did all before it.
Too bad as latest skype is very accessible with only minor issues. Even 4.2 packages were usable for most 
features with

On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 10:53:53PM -0400, Hussain Jasim wrote:

I'm on a 64-bit Archlinux system with Orca Master and QT-AT-SPI
installed. I'm trying to access Skype, but there is no feedback

I seem to recall that it is at least partially accessible now, but I
don't know how to get it to work. Has anybody gotten Skype usable on
Archlinux? I think part of the problem is with mixing library

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{}S José Vilmar Estácio de Souza

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