Re: [orca-list] updating Orca

To start orca, press alt f2 and type foo/bin/orca --reclame

Enviada do meu iPhone

Em 15/09/2014, às 21:49, amir <mrdin8877 ymail com> escreveu:

i was able to follow te instructions until "foo/bin/orca --replace" but then when pressing enter on that,   
      the newly orca starts. but if i exit the terminal, the screen reader closes. and when starting the 
orca again (windows+alt+s on ubuntu), the old orca starts instead of the new one. Any help?

On 09/15/2014 11:02 PM, D. A. H. wrote:
Hi there!

A frequent contributor to this list posted instructions for building orca from sources on Ubuntu and 
derivatives.  I've done them in Trisquel 7, and am now using the orca from Master, as of yesterday.  
Instructions below; hope this helps.  FYI, the list is archived, for your searching pleasure.



<begin selection here>

sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-orca
sudo apt-get install gnome-common
sudo apt-get install yelp-tools
sudo apt-get install git-core

Now time to clone orca from its git repository.

Create a folder, do a cd to this new folder and execute the following command:
git clone git://

Time to install executing the following commands:
cd orca
./ --prefix=foo

foo must be the name of the directory where orca will be installed.

And finally you must install orca executing the following command:
make install

If you do not have permitions  to write in the foo directory, you need to execute the make install command 
using sudo.
sudo make install

Now you need to start the new orca executing the following:
foo/bin/orca --replace

WARNING: do not install orca in the /usr directory. This will destroy the actual orca installation.

<end instructions>

On 09/15/2014 10:53 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:
Another thing to remember is a lot of times the repositories are out
of date. Meaning the stable build available on the Ubuntu repository
isn't necessarily the latest to begin with. If you truly want an up to
date version of Orca you have to build from source.
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