Re: [orca-list] talking login managers

Hello Kendal,

Just today I have successfully got Debian 7.6 Net Install going with
speech in both the desktop and the console.

It uses GDM3.  And I think the trick is that Debian creates a user
called Debian-gdm.  I had to add Debian-gdm to the pulse-access and
audio groups to make it work and also add my ordinary user to pulse-access.

When GDM3 starts it spawns speech-dispatcher

Now I have speech-dispatcher configured for alsa in both system and user
configs and despite this, pulse still starts but is not getting in the way.

I also deleted anything with 'pulse' in the name from /usr/share/alsa/*

Problem I suppose is that GDM3 i s bit heavy.  I will try the same
tricks with lightdm at some point.

Odd thing is that when I log in on GDM3, Orca says 'Goodbye' followed by
'Welcome to Orca' again.  Never seen that before.


On 21/09/2014 10:23, kendell clark wrote:
hi all
I've been trying to come up with a talking login manager to put in the
sonar mate beta images, but have run into a number of problems. Rather
than write a long email, I'll keep it short. I know of three login
managers that are possible to use with orca at the moment. Gdm, lightm
with the gtk greeter, and lightdm with the unity greeter. Either one
of these would do nicely for mate, except that gdm pulls in at least
half, and maybe more like 3 quarters of gnome, the lightdm unity
greeter pulls in lots of ubuntu patched packages from the aur and
makes removing a pita, because it rips out most of gtk3 and gtk2,
taking with it other apps. lightdm gtk3 greeter will speak but orca
triggers a kernel trap after you log in, making it impossible to start
it. i'm looking for alternative login managers. Can anyone who knows a
lot more about the accessibility stack than I do clue me in on what
has to be in place for orca to be able to speak a login screen? I know
the basics, a speech-dispatcher configuration and an orca
configuration need to be present or generated, but much beyond that
I"m clueless. Why can't there be a default keyboard shortcut for all
login  managers that when pressed, starts orca? I've also seen some
login managers where in order to get orca started you had to enter
manual kill commands for pulseaudio, speech-dispatcher before logging
in or orca wouldn't start. Can anyone explain this? I'm probably going
to have to contact devs of other managers to get them to add
accessibility to their managers, and I need more info other than, uh
hi, orca doesn't work with your login manager. thanks. I'm trying to
understand how all this accessibility stuff works in general, so I can
be more helpful to developers when filing bugs, asking for orca
support, etc.I've done some googling, but the few docs I've been able
to find are very much out of date, usually dating back to gnome 2
days. Learning the accessibility stack would help me diagnose issues
if I come across them, such as the strange lags I get when alt
tabbing, etc that no one else gets but me. Very tired now, so I think
I'll catch a nap.
Kendell clark

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Michael A. Ray
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The box said: 'install Windows XP, 7 or better'. So I installed Linux

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