Re: [orca-list] Your thoughts on item position and count in menus?

Hi Alonzo, all.

Thanks for the feedback. CCing the Orca list so that we have the full
set of opinions in the thread.

The situation you bring up about presenting unavailable menu items is
separate-- and it poses its own set of questions and problems. So I am
all for discussing them, but I'd like to do so in a new/separate thread.


On 04/18/2015 08:50 AM, Alonzo cuellar wrote:
I think the current behavior is ok. However, we should know when an item
isn't available when we arrow down threw the items.
For example

settings unavailable
the menu wraps around so aditional info can be presented such as
items 1 ot 3
this way the user will know how many items are in the menu.


On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 06:48:08PM -0400, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey all.

Consider the following menu (it's Thunderbird's Help menu)

Help Contents
Troubleshooting Information
Release Notes
Restart with Add-ons Disabled
About Thunderbird

There are five items, and Orca currently presents their position and
count (for those of you who have that option enabled) as:

Help Contents. 1 of 5
Troubleshooting Information. 2 of 5
Release Notes. 3 of 5
Restart with Add-ons Disabled. 4 of 5
About Thunderbird. 5 of 5

I assume you all agree that this is correct, given the information I
have provided. But it turns out this menu has non-navigable separators
in them. What I see on screen is:

Help Contents
Troubleshooting Information
Release Notes
Restart with Add-ons Disabled
About Thunderbird

Each separator appears as a low-contrast, thin, but still visible
divider which visually groups things. With this information in mind, is
what Orca presents currently correct? Or should Orca instead say:

Help Contents. 1 of 3
Troubleshooting Information. 2 of 3
Release Notes. 3 of 3
Restart with Add-ons Disabled. 1 of 1
About Thunderbird. 1 of 1

Please let me know what you think. Thanks!
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