[orca-list] Possible fix: stop orca from reading long strings of cgi variables on web pages

Hi. I have a problem with long strings of cgi variables being read on web pages when using orca. To get this to happen, do this:
Go to


for example, and there are many other sites which do this. If the page has any kind of advertising of any order on it, you hear a never-ending stream of cgi variables being read. These are the variables used by the cgi back end on the advertising site if the user clicks on it. They pass these variables into the cgi back end script through the URL and makes a quite annoying noise when just trying to get the system to read the contents of the page.
Is that stuff actually visible on the web page, or where does orca get 
it from?
I am using sonar and it still has gnome 3.14, but the version should be 
upgraded shortly.  Is it possible to silence just the reading of these 
babbling streams of cgi variables?


Doug Smith: Special Agent
S.W.A.T  Spiritual Warfare and Advanced Technology
Forever serving our LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST.

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