Re: [orca-list] problems with teamspeak3

Just FYI I assume the following two QT issues may improve the situation with QT5 once addressed.

One of them where GTK theme is breaking accessibility support to large extend can be worked around by selecting fusion style instead of GTK style for QT5 applications. If you are sighted you may get different look and feel but if you are blind this will most likelly not make a visible difference except of improved accessibility to QT apps. Create an enviromment variable QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE e.g. by doing...
export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=fusion
somewhere in your /etc/profile.d/whatewerfile or any other file which is sourced on login. My favorite place with more QT configuration tips is at



On 21.04.2015 at 02:09 Luke Yelavich wrote:
On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 08:57:05AM AEST, Michał Zegan wrote:
The problem is that I usually cannot use flat review there. using flat
review on treeviews gives no result, actually it does not work at all.
using a flat review in other places often says "blank". Flat review
works only initially after the main window shows up, and maybe in some
other cases? not quite sure about it.
It is likely that the Qt Linux Accessibility code still needs some work to fix such issues.

Anyway, I am not sure if this is a ts, orca or qt bug, or few at once.
Also, this seems extremely similar to the behavior of qt4 apps when
using flat review, except in qt4 apps other orca keys didn't work
while in qt5 they seem to work properly.
Qt5 now has accessibility code as part of the core distribution, unlike Qt 4 where it was a plugin only.

The best place to fix these problems is within Qt itself. I believe the issues you are experiencing are known 
about, and require someone to look into fixing them.

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