Re: [orca-list] Debian 8 'Jessie' released

thought I would give an update,
but before that,
sorry that this is so very ot, is there a mailing list ware I may ask
more questions?
I fear that i'm annoying the admins of the orca list.
okay, the update.
picked mate as my desktop, because i'm used to it, 70% complete,
as espeak tells me,
the installer has an issue with wireless networks that require a
password or so I have found.
basicly I picked the wireless network when it asked,
and sellected the option of wpa2 the second option. i entered in my
pw, and it brought me back to the pick the wireless network page.
rebooted, and I had to create a new wireless network on a new vlan,
with out a pw, when this install is complete, I will have to secure it
bottom line is this.
the install is now 80% complete.
thanks all
Majid Hussain

On 26/04/2015, B. Henry <burt1iband gmail com> wrote:
I have not used straight debian for a while now, but have always found it to
be a good experience. After maybe a year switching to testing may become
necesary as things are not updated much other than bug fixes compared with
many distros. This is great for servers and the like where max stability is

usually a priority.
For the moment you will surely have a very stable system with new enough
packages to  keep you happy.
You will have to set up sudo unless something has changed from the times I
installed debian, and I do recommend doing this in most cases. At the very
least consider the implications of root vs sudo in your physical and virtual
I know some do not care for this, but I add repos so I can get thunderbird
and firefox instead of their unbranded versions, and if you are not a free
software purist you will want to look at options and decide whether
available free packages meet your needs or if you want to go outside of the
free echosystem.
Other's have explained the installer basics. I really like the installer not
least of which because you do only install what you want and need. I think
Ubuntu and other distros do a good job at picking software that works well
and meets a lot of folks' needs, but as you have spent time with Linux and
tried different media players, editors and the like you may have found
exactly what you like best and would rather not have anything else on your
I'm personally a media player junky/seem to always have about 5 installed,
but I generally don't like a lot of clutter and Debian did not make me have

to remove stuff I did not like or use.
In the since of giving you a good bit of choice, i.e. not over installing by
default Debian is great, kind of like arch in this. As mentioned above
however debian is quite conservative in its update policy, its release
schedule as well for that matter as opposed to arch pushing packages out the
with not much testing over time to say the
You may need to add unofficial repos or build some things from source if you
keep running debian and really need latest versions, but as long as there's

a way to get what you need this can be an advantage as your base system does
not  change much and usually remains rock solid
There's a lot been said re debian testing and unstable vs the oficial
releases and repos that is worth checking in to if you are not that familiar
Debian, but at least for a while after a release I recommend most folks stay
with it  unless they are coders and or like filing bugs and the like.
As an end-user you will not find much that different from Ubuntu once you
have your go to software installed.

   Registerd Linux User 521886

  Majid Hussain wrote:
Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 03:27:31PM +0100

hi there,
I have never used debian before, just the *buntu flavers and vinux.
what should I know if I go ahead with debian install?
thank you for your advice, in advance.

thank you all,
Majid Hussain

On 26/04/2015, Mike Ray <mike raspberryvi org> wrote:
Hello folks,

The title says it all.  Jessie now released.

I installed release candidate 3 a few days ago and I'm very impressed
and pleased with the improvements to Orca.


Michael A. Ray
Witley, Surrey, South-east UK

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