Re: [orca-list] Java help needed

That would work for me. :) However my wife just uses and knows windows and she needs to be able to recover her own stuff. Granted I could use crashplan or something like it for her as she is sighted and something else for my compters but I would prefer one solution for all.

On Tue, 11 Aug 2015, Kelly Prescott wrote:

Here is what I do for backup:
I use duplicity on Linux and I mount my windows drives under Linux so they get backed up as well. Then I upload my backups to Amazon S3 and rotate them off to glacier so I have both on-site and off-site backups of my stuff. so duplicity backups up to a usb drive, then a script uploads the files to s3 and them Amazon automatically cycles them to glacier. If anyone is interested in the technical details, email me off-list and I will give you the low-down.

On Tue, 11 Aug 2015, Tom Masterson wrote:

Thanks for the answers. Does anyone know of a similar product that allows you to back up multiple computers with differnt operating systems to the cloud/offsite storage and are accessible from linux and/or windows?

On Tue, 11 Aug 2015, covici ccs covici com wrote:

 I have tried, and I installed java atwrapper into its library, but no
 joy and they were not much interested in fixing, maybe if enough people
 would write them, they would do something.  The only way I could do
 this, is use a Windows box and do the port forwarding they talk about in
 their documentation.

 Tom Masterson <kd7cyu gmail com> wrote:

>  I have an application (crashplan) that is using it's own installed
>  version of Oracle java 7 running on a Ubuntu 14.04 machine.  It uses a
>  java desktop app for doing it's work.  I find that for the most part
>  it is inaccessible but I doubt that any java bridge or etc was
>  installed.  Is there some way to check this and maybe make it more
>  acessible?  Has anyone tried to work with crashplan?
> >  Tom
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         John Covici
         covici ccs covici com

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