Re: [orca-list] more on inaccessibility when run as root


I have already tried looking into this however I don't have a full understanding of the accessibility stack so I was not yet able to come up with a solution / workaround / whatever that might improve the situation.
What I have understood so far:
- This is not orca's fault since it has already been explained.
- I haven't noticed enviromment variables which may control this on my system while testing with gnome. - It's not an at-spi nor ATK's fault as it's installed and launched the same way in gnome and also in mate. I assumed we might miss some dbus configuration files or other gnome specific features when launching gui apps as root.
Perhaps someone can remember /root/.orbitrc file where we were able to 
tune this back in the corba days.
I believe if I was able to understand how gnome does it I might be able 
to replicate this on other desktops.


On 07.12.2015 at 16:35 kendell clark wrote:
hi all
Since I'm trying to improve the accessibility of the mate desktop, I've
been digging into why apps being launched as root are inaccessible to
orca. Joanie pointed out that generating a debug log wouldn't help
because orca isn't recieving any events so can't process them. I think
I've found a reproduceable way to encounter the issue. Steps to
reproduce. 1: Log into mate in your favorite login manager. 2: make sure
orca starts. 3: run an app that requires root privs, example gparted. 4:
Log out and log back into a desktop such as gnome or unity which this
does work. Do not restart, but press the log out button in mate's menus.
then try to launch the same app you just did using mate. What should
happen is that orca should then read the app. But this doesn't work.
This leads me to think this is an at-spi, rather than an orca issue. But
I'll need help from someone smarter than me to tell for sure. If anyone
can confirm or at least get close, I'll file a bug against at-spi2-core
so that this can get fixed. Note that this happens in cinnamon also
sometimes but not always. I think it may have something to do with the
fact that when logging out, the copy of at-spi2-registryd isn't killed,
instead a new instance is spawned, which can sometimes lead orca to
start but not speak because you can only have so many instances going at
once. Why orca doesn't connect to the existing one I don't know but I'm
sure it tries to.
Kendell clark
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