Re: [orca-list] Orca does not annouce window names on alt+tab

I am not sure if the problem is the same.
The problem that I described is present in gnome 3.14 and apparently is related to gnome-shell. Joanie introduced a workaround in orca until the problem is fixed in gnome-shell.
On 01/01/2015 10:45 PM, luciano de souza wrote:
The problem is the same, but there are two differences:

1. I am using Orca 3.12.2 not 3.14;
2. Even the second tab with the control key held, Orca doesn't annouce
the name of windows.

The problem is fixed, but it's not easy to get the corrections.

 From GIT, I have installed Orca. I wait for a more recent version.
However, the downloaded version was also 3.12.2. Perhaps, it's the
version of Gnome. If I don't have the appropriate version of gnome,
the installed version, even using GIT, maybe it's less recent than the
last one.

I don't have any ideia how to update Gnome, so it's not easy to get
the corrections.

I will come back to standar Ubuntu and I will say to you if the
problem persists.

2015-01-01 21:15 GMT-02:00, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza
<vilmar informal com br>:
I don't know if we are talking about the same problem, but orca3.14 has
a problem in which the name of the window is not announced when we press
If we press the tab key a second time without release the alt key, the
name is announced. This problem was fixed in orca master and the fix was
also pushed to orca 3.14. Probably the fix will be present in version

On 01/01/2015 02:18 PM, luciano de souza wrote:
Hello all,

After a tip here discussed, I have installed Ubuntu Mate, based on
ubuntu 14.10. Before it, I have used Ubuntu 14.04.

Now, when I switch windows with alt+tab, Orca does not announces the
name of windows. Is this a problem related to ubuntu Mate or related
to Orca's upgrade.

Is there a solution for this issue?

Best regards,
[]s  José Vilmar Estácio de Souza

[]s  José Vilmar Estácio de Souza

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