Re: [orca-list] Orca's commands for moving to the next/previous object or chunk of text:

Hi Joanie,

The documentation update related I already opened a report I think the 3.14 development cicle.
I collected some parts with need updating, link is following:
Can you have possibility to reviev the attached patches if you have a little time? Possible some patches need minimal modifications only.
I have got a question:
Not possible doing a metabug or a central bugreport this task related? If anybody found an update need part into the documentation, easyer I think reporting the issue with a documentation related metabug and not need opening a new report the update related each development cicle.
If anybody doing a patch to update or fix the documentation, you see a 
central report the attached patches with documentation related.
Hopefuly I not missunderstand the metabug purpose,


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