Re: [orca-list] Experimental "Rewind" and "Fast forward" implemented for SayAll

Yes, I tend to agree that this is the best way.
How hard is it to hit control or some other key to shut things up so oyou can navigate through manually and 
pause on an element.
Some folks do use the start reading option to know when a page is ready more than to actually listen to 
content however, so in the ideal world there
would probably be a way to disable the rewind/fast forward at the time in queswtion. I don't know if the 
coding to do this would be clumsey however, and
while I don't think this is in the category of overly complex settings, there is a time when too many options 
clutter the experience.
If that time ever comes an "advanced" tab for lesser used fine tuning options could be grouped would be an 

   Registerd Linux User 521886

  Fernando Botelho wrote:
Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 10:27:14AM -0200

I think it should have this behavior, as is.

Well done!


On 01/19/2015 09:45 AM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Rob, all.

On 01/19/2015 03:15 AM, Rob Whyte wrote:
Found this quite useful, how ever Firefox tends to enter this mode once
a page loads with the automatically speak the page setting enabled.
I know. I figured it was supposed to do that. Automatically speak the
page upon load means "Do a SayAll upon load." The ability to fast
forward and rewind in SayAll applies to SayAll across the board. Do you
think it should only do it when SayAll is manually launched?

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