Re: [orca-list] Added support for Evolution's GUI

This is a great news,
Now we have options in email accessibility.
Does Evolution support imap?
What other things I can get?
Happy hacking.
On Wednesday 21 January 2015 10:06 AM, Kyle wrote:
Sorry, I meant to say that I needed to speak cell rather than speak row in the
message list. In this way, I can speak cell and arrow to the right to the
subject, where I can navigate the list and see only the subjects of the
messages. This greatly speeds things up here. The only problem I now appear to
be experiencing is some difficulty navigating to the top of some messages. Most
of the time, I can press shift+tab, which puts me at the bottom of the message
and then press control+home to navigate to the top, but this only seems to work
in messages that have links,  e.g. messages from lists. There is also a
backspacing issue where spaces are pronounced as "no break space," and where
backspacing over the first leter of a word results in "space" being spoken, but
this is so far just a minor inconvenience, and will likely be fixed rather
quickly. Thanks again for the really good fixes to Evolution, and I look
forward to being able to use it fulltime very shortly.

Sent from my coffee maker
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