I doubt very much the authors of this survey are part of some world wide conspiracy against Orca or open source software.
I think it's much more likely that it was just over looked or that Linux/Orca just isn't used by enough people, at least with some actual statistics, to merit inclusion in this list. ChromeVox is new, and is the screen reder for ChromeOS and ChromeBooks, so I'm not surprised it's on the list, at least for now. I'd suggest doing what I did and including Orca on the survey yourself as an other or in the write in comments.
On 07/27/2015 07:18 AM, kendell clark wrote:
Hash: SHA512
This is definitely possible. I was talking with some people on the
talking arch channel and we were all wondering why orca didn't get a
mention. After all, chromevox is on the list, and that barely
qualifies as a screen reader. It's more of an application specific
reader, which ... well, whether it counts or not is debatable I guess.
I think it all boils down to the blind government agencies, of which
this web accessibility thing is probably associated with, conveniently
forgetting to give linux any mentions at all. I've noticed this a lot,
but I don't have an answer. My cinical side thinks it's some plot to
make windows and apple invaluable, while the rest of me has no idea.
Kendell clark
kk wrote:
The FAQ is at http://live.gnome.org/Orca/FrequentlyAskedQuestions
Hi all. orca is indeed being used in India extensively, specially
in the south. And I think this is deliberate social engineering by
some exploitative proprietary mafia which wants people to have
another reason not to use a free OS. Given that NVDA gets a mention
at all the places, it being open source, then why not Orca? The
reason is very simple, you still need proprietary OS and other
proprietary software with NVDA right? But Linux is free as in
freedom and to a great extent as in free of cost. So they want to
defeate the very social purpose. Happy hacking. Krishnakant.
On Monday 27 July 2015 01:03 PM, Trenton Matthews wrote:
<stommepoes stommepoes nl <mailto:stommepoes stommepoes nl>>hmmm. Fewer usrs? Nah. Small community, definitely.
As for it not being on the survey, (which i think is closed now,)
I wonder the reason why Orca isn't on the list, is because it
doesn't get enough press. Same with Supernova and Cobra on
Windows for that matter...
On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:09 AM, _mallory
On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 09:17:52AM -0500, Alex Midence wrote:
I wanted to pass this link along to you guys so the Orcacommunity is more represented in these things so, I’m terribly
sorry about the cross posting. This is a survey conducted by
Webaim to find out how accessible screen reader users think the
internet is. What bugs me is that they mention nearly all
screen readers except for Orca. Last time I mentioned it to
them, they said it was because they didn’t think anyone used it
much so, they didn’t include it. Chromevox was there though
which I would argue has fewer users than Orca does.
Jared even made a snarky comment about Orca users:
It would be nice to know if Orca is more heavily represented in
countries like India and Brazil, because I'm pretty sure the
WebAIM surveys are very Western-biased, where having a Windows
machine is often an automatic default.
_mallory _______________________________________________
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