Re: [orca-list] How should Orca present text attributes in "proofreading" mode?

This message most likelly comes late as I assume implementation of this has already started but I'll try to describe what I like anyway.
Currently within screen reader preferences dialog on the text attributes 
tab we do have a list with checkable items representing text attributes 
e.g. font family, underline, bold, foreground / background color etc. 
What is checked in this list is being examined on the current caret 
position and reported when pressing orca+f keyboard shortcut inside a 
document. I think when orca+f is pressed all the attributes orca can 
retrieve should be reported.
This list however should stay there and instead controlling what is 
reported on orca+f key press it should control what will be reported in 
this so called proof reading mode.
It should be reported in speech and most likelly in braille as well. I 
don't own a braille device so I can't give better suggestion on braille. 
But when reporting in speech I imagine it to work like this.
Imagine we do have the following text
Hello, This is bold and this is blue.
The word bold is written in bold and the foreground color of word blue is blue.
If the default color is black, we do have foreground color and bold 
checked within the list I am tallking about all the time then reading 
this line should yeeld the following via speech
Hello, This is bold bold no bold and this is blue blue black.

When navigating by characters or other units this should also apply meaning orca will always query the formatting on the current caret position and it should compare it to the formatting on the previous caret position. So for example when navigating over these three words within the same formatted text
is bold and
by character you will get something like
i s space bold b o l d no bold space a n d

This might be difficult to explain so if you think I should describe it in other words or give more examples please ask. What I like is highly inspired by how NVDA is working on windows.
Thanks and greetings


On 28.07.2015 at 15:21 Fernando Botelho wrote:

My suggestion would be to have Orca indicate capitalization. Saying cap or beeping is too annoying to have it happen all the time. But if that could be on by default on a proofreading mode, it would be great.


On 07/28/2015 08:26 AM, Milton wrote:
It will be great to have proofreading! Orca can left out words like 'is, and, but, not underlined'. Many thanks.

Op 28-07-15 om 01:53 schreef Joanmarie Diggs:
Hey all.

I'm implementing some proofreading features in Orca:

1. A "list of" dialog for quick review and navigation of text attributes.
2. An option to have attributes read along with the text.

With respect to the second one, consider the following example:

Text: "Hello world! This is a very shiny test."

* "world" is bold
* "is" is italics
* "very" is underlined and orange
* "shiny" is orange (but not underlined)

What should Orca say if this proofreading option is enabled?

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