[orca-list] strange problems with vlc access

Hi.  I emerged vlc and all the qt5 packages and it works fairly well.
there is one strange thing and I am not sure if its an Orca bug or vlc
one but if I go into say the audio menu and go down to say increase
volume, it says alt-i for that one whereas if you go into the
preferences and hot keys, its actually control-uparrow.  They all seem
to be like that.  I don't have access to file avlc bug, I wrote them but
no response yet.  Also, I get an error when it starts up that itcan't
load the extension module -- its still trying to load the qt4 interface.

Anyone else seeing this?

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

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How do
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         John Covici
         covici ccs covici com

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