Re: [orca-list] Corebird also stop working

Hey Javier.

When next you have a chance, could you please pull Orca master, remove
the Orca customization so that Orca's defunct-object checks are all
enabled, and test again with Corebird, Eclipse, and Thunderbird? José's
problem seems to be connected to the "crime"(tm) of asking an object for
its name. I wonder if that's the source of the problems you are having.
I've since commented that particular check out.


On 06/06/2015 10:00 PM, Francisco Javier Dorado Martínez wrote:
Hi all,

I am having same issue with Corebird twitter client, when tehre is a lot
of tweets in the list and application gets focus, when Orca has a lot of
events to process for any reason
stop working and you have to restart it to get working again.

The same behaviour with Eclipse and Thunderbird.
Now that we can disable Dead/defunct checking easier I will be testing
in both situations.

Many thanks,

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