Re: [orca-list] Partially Solved: Fedora 22 Blues

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I'm no expert, but my understanding is that running speech-dispatcher
system wide was implemented but never tested very well, if at all. It
was added back when sysvinit and consolekit were in use, so the way
you did such things back then was a lot more complicated, and prone to
failure or mixups if you weren't careful. I've been running
speech-dispatcher in user mode ever since I've been using linux, so 4
years or there abouts, and I've had few issues. Those I have had
usually resulted from collisions between speech-dispatcher and
whatever login manager I was using, or the poor quality of
speech-dispatcher's alsa support, which is not really luke's fault, he
inherited the project.
Kendell clark

Janina Sajka wrote:
Very interesting, Peter. Thanks.

I wonder how the decision to prefer running speech-dispatcher on a
per user basis affects these issues. Seems to me it's only
complicated things, and has not contributed to a smooth user

On the other hand, my recent efforts to get speech-dispatcher
running system wide were unsuccessful. Probably something I didn't
get right in the configuration.

Is anyone running init_socket speech-dispatcher successfully? I'd
like to know how you got that to work.


Peter Vágner writes:
Hello, I know this is also happening on other systems with other
display managers. However I am now with Arch linux and when the X
session is terminated orca, pulseaudio and speech-dispatcher
often keep running. This includes GDM login window as well as
normal X session. So After GDM login screen is dismissed I can
find GDM user still runs these three apps. If I logout from X,
GDM login screen appears, then my user keeps running these three
apps. We were talking about this a while ago at Sonar GNU linux
support list and in cooperation with Kyle we have came up with a
dirty trick on how to temporarily hack around this...

Since that time I do have following content inside 
/etc/gdm/PreSession/Default and also inside 

# Hack around the fact that PulseAudio and speech-dispatcher
never die on their own pkill -9 orca pkill -9 speech-dispatch 
pulseaudio -k



On 09.06.2015 at 04:25 Janina Sajka wrote:
Hi, Luke:

Just to be clear ...

My practical problem is that Orca doesn't come up speaking if I
have used speech-dispatcher during gdm login.

In order to get Orca working with speech-dispatcher, I need to
kill the speech-dispatcher process.

Surely, that's not correct behavior?


Luke Yelavich writes:
On Sat, Jun 06, 2015 at 12:44:13PM AEST, Janina Sajka wrote:
However, to try and figure out what was happening, I put 
speech-dispatcher on its own audio device. That was
enlightening. gdm is not releasing speech-dispatcher
following login, so orca doesn't come up talking until I go
to a cli somewhere and do a "killall speech-dispatcher." I
will find out whether it's just something funky on this
particular machine, because it's a bug otherwise.
Speech Dispatcher not shutting down when Orca is shut down in
a gdm session is a known issue. Orca doesn't specifically
kill Speech Dispatcher, which is correct behavior, but Speech
Dispatcher doesn't have any knowledge of sessions etc, and
stays running even if there are no clients connected.

It should be noted however, that even though one is not using
gdm all the time, its session according to loginctl is still
running in the background.

I have plans to add functionality such that Speech Dispatcher
automatically shuts down after a period of time when no
clients are connected, however that requires some refactoring
of Speech Dispatcher's main processing code, so it will be a
while before this is released.

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