Re: [orca-list] configuring / customizing braille output possible?

Hi Jann.

It looks like we need to be more aggressive in displaying what's
relevant. Thanks for the report!


On 03/09/2015 07:46 AM, Jann Schneider wrote:
Hi all,

in some situations orca presents a bit more than i would expect or
need on the braille device :-)
Is there a possibility to configure what orca presents in which situation?

I'll write just two examples below. Well there are more but i think
they should describe what i mean.
I'm btw. trying this with a Papenmeier 80 cells braile display and
could do some comparings with a 40 cells one if wanted too.
Furthermore i run Orca and Gnome as of version 3.12 in Gentoo.

When opening gedit in the first line of the document i always have the
first 40 chars or so preserved by "documentname - gedit ..." the whole
title. This - at least for me - is a bit confusing. But it only
affects the first line in this editor.

Another situation is working in the (gnome) terminal: didn't get the
pattern exactly but in some cases i have the whole title and prompt
and again the prompt and and and ... like
gnome-terminal-server jann gentoo:~ # jann gentoo:~ #

Thats a slightly shortened variant. It sometimes fills up to nearly 70 chars.

Is there a possibility to control these things?

Thanks in advance!
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