Re: [orca-list] voice sample 3

thanks al, brandon on the espeak list is also working on his own intonation source to put into the espeak intonation model as well.
follow me on twitter @joshknnd1982

On 3/24/2015 11:30 AM, Al Sten-Clanton wrote:
Yes, I think the intonation is better with this one. Looks like you're on a good track.

On 03/24/2015 09:30 AM, Josh K wrote:
here is sample number3 on dropbox. tell me if you like this better. the
source code is below the link. could some of you on this list please
help me out by making and sharing your own tune definitions? please? it
could help improve espeak!

I only know so much and could benefit from others help. I'm doing the
best I can to mod espeak and make it better intonation wise. inflection
in the nvda dialog only gets us so far.

tune s5
prehead   110 70
headenv   fall 100
head       110 0 80 70 90
headextend 5 90 70 5 80
onset 110 70 52
headlast 60 84 115
nucleus0 fall 60 140
nucleus  fall 140 90 60 0

tune c5
prehead   110 50
headenv   fall 26
head       150 120 80 0
headextend 0 50 90 110 140
onset 0 80 90
headlast 40 80 120
nucleus0 fall-rise  10 120
nucleus  fall-rise2 10 50 90 110

tune q5
prehead   90 0
headenv   fall 16
head       140 110 90 50 5
headextend 0 20 50 90 130
onset 110 50 0
headlast 100 80 5
nucleus0 fall-rise  5 120
nucleus  fall-rise2 10 50 55 130

tune e5
prehead   100 50
headenv   fall 16
head       130 100 80 50 0
headextend 5 50 50 120 100
onset 100 110 105
headlast 50 80 110
nucleus0 fall  0 90
nucleus  fall  5 120 50 100

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