[orca-list] Preferences menu


On a recent test orca 3.14, I experienced to problems. 1st, by default, orca key is Insert. I know I can change it, but how? Because I'm unable to open the preferences dialog (ins-space) as I've no Insert key. How can I open it alternatively?
Next, the Iceweasel preferences dialog has a very strange behavior. 1st, 
whenever I change a shortcut, the order of the bindings changes. Then, I 
tried for example replacing h with w. Then apply. I go back on the 
binding, Orca says yet h! But the checkbox is checked. And indeed, the 
shortcut doesn't seem to be changed.
So it seems there's a display problem and that shortcut are hard to 
change. Is it fixed in orca 3.16? Can I backport? Because so far I just 
can use the conf file to really change shortcuts.


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

HYPRA, progressons ensemble

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