Re: [orca-list] caps Lock issue

Hi Joanie.
It doesn't work in my machine. I use bypass, press capslockk and orca says capslock on. However the state of capslock doesn't change.
May I send a debug file?


On 11/05/2015 06:10 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Peter.

If the Orca modifier is CapsLock, then Shift+CapsLock should not toggle
the state. Otherwise, Orca+Shift+SomeKey would not be a possible

I could probably add code to wait until keys were released rather than
pressed (i.e. to confirm that CapsLock and Shift had been released
without SomeKey having been pressed). But then someone will decide to
use Orca's Foo command and presses CapsLock+Shift and is about to press
SomeKey when the phone rings. So they release CapsLock+Shift without
having pressed SomeKey and Orca turns CapsLock on, which is not what the
user wanted or expected.

So I personally think that bypass should be used when one wants to
toggle the state of CapsLock in laptop layout.


On 11/05/2015 02:44 PM, Peter Vágner wrote:

I can't reproduce this either, however Zahari has also mentioned that
shift+capslock is supposed to toggle capital letters. This is something
I don't seem able to get to work here.
When orca keyboard layout is set to laptop the only way to toggle
capslock state for me is by using pass next key through orca+backspace.

Is / should this be also working?



On 05.11.2015 at 20:15 Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Zahari.

What version of Orca and gnome-shell are you using?

I am using Orca master and gnome-shell version 3.18.1. Having set my
keyboard layout to laptop and Orca to launch automatically, CapsLock is
always my Orca modifier upon login. If I switch layouts between English
and Spanish (via Super+Space), the keyboard layout changes for input but
CapsLock continues to work as my Orca modifier. I don't have to restart
Orca at all for this to be the case.

Thus I'm afraid I need more information from you. Sorry!

On 11/05/2015 07:22 AM, Zahari Yurukov wrote:
I have this problem, too.
I'm using the laptop keyboard layout and CapsLock as Orca modifier.
After switching the keyboard input layout (i.e. from English to
Bulgarian and vise versa),, Orca stops intercepting the CapsLock key and
every press of the CapsLock key results in changing state of the
CapsLock mode.
Restart of Orca indeed fixes the problem temporary (this wasn't the case
the previous time I've reported this).

Best wishes,

On  5.11.2015 13:54, Pavel Vl�ek wrote:
in the latest versions of Gnome and Orca, I have this issue.
When Orca is autostarted and I press Caps Lock or Caps Lock with some
other key, it activates capital letters. When I press Caps Lock again,
capital letters are deactivated. How to fix? When I want to fix this
issue, I must press alt super es key twice to turn Orca off and on. I
use laptop keyboard. After orca reloads, caps lock nomore activates
capital letters. Is this a bug? Why must I reload screen reader to fix
Pavel V

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