Re: [orca-list] Firefox, Orca, and Buttons

Hey Alfonzo.

Even without Orca running, Tabbing to that element and pressing Enter
doesn't cause the button to be activated. Looks like you you need to use
Space instead. Space works both without Orca running and with Orca
running. After you press Space, the options appear beneath the button.


On 09/09/2015 09:59 PM, Alfonzo Cuellar wrote:
Hey all, I found this particularly interesting.

If I go to youtube in firefox, and search for something, and then hit
the B Key for buttons and land on the Search Filters Push Button,
nothing happens when I press enter on it.

Normally, if I press enter on this push button, a menu should pull down,
allowing me to use the down arrow key to view the enclosed menu.

Seems like this is a bug in the latest master I currently have of Orca.

If this is not, please let me know.


Alfonzo Cuellar
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