Re: [orca-list] JAWS conflicting with Orca

Hi Paul,

The issue sounds like Windows is still passing the keystrokes to JAWS even when the VM is active, which is more of a Windows/JAWS/VM issue than an Orca one.
I use a similar setup, although mine is the other way around - i.e. I 
use Linux and Orca, with VMWare running a Windows 7 VM with JAWS.
As soon as the VM gets focus, Orca is silent and JAWS works fine.  I am 
guessing this is down to how the VMWare keyboard driver intercepts the 
events - perhaps they did a better job with the Linux one compared to 
the Windows one.
Have you tried running your VM in full screen? Maybe that will force the 
key events through to the VM without JAWS picking them up.
Could you also look at changing either the JAWS or Orca hotkeys so they 
don't conflict?
Failing that, you might have more luck on a JAWS-specific list, as this 
isn't something that Orca has any control over, as it is just running 
inside the VM with no knowledge of the Windows/JAWS environment running 
on the host.
Sorry I can't be of more help.



On 11/04/16 14:42, Paul O'Rahilly wrote:

I use JAWS in Windows 7 environment.
I have orca enabled within a virtual machine.

When I tab into the virtual machine, both screen readers are reading

How do I stop JAWS reading within the vm, as it is disabling the gnome
short cut keys.
I don't want to have to manually switch JAWS on and off every time I
tab in and out of the vm.

Thanks, PaulI am running JAWS on my Windows
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