Re: [orca-list] Ubuntu 16.04, Orca 3.20.1 LibreOffice Calc crashes

Thanks Joanie, good to know it isn't Orca. Hopefully it will be fixed for now I cannot use Ubuntu 16.04 because I need LibreOffice Calc very often.

Op 26-04-16 om 14:58 schreef Joanmarie Diggs:
Hi Milton.

That sounds like this bug: Comment #10
sounds like the particular scenario you are experiencing.


On 04/26/2016 06:11 AM, Milton wrote:

I add the ppa in Ubuntu 16.04 and run Orca 3.20.1 right now. I notice in
LibreOffice Calc that as soon as I insert a formula for example =55-3
Calc crashes, Orca gets silent. I can switch to another workspace or
application with Orca still speaking but not in the LibreOffice Calc
dialog window. Without Orca and the help of a sighted person Calc is
doing fine but when I start Orca and navigate to Calc it crashes
directly. Maybe it is a known issue? Thanks.
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