[orca-list] orca and pfsense?

Hello, so from my understanding, Pfsense is bassed on freeBSD, and there is a port of orca available for it. I've downloaded the latest version, pfSense-CE-2.3-RELEASE-i386.iso, and am in contact with there support to see if I can install pfsense on this box if i choose and then install orca, anyone had luck with this so far? Here is one response I received from them about this issue.
Hi Tim,

Just to point out, pfSense is actually based on FreeBSD, not Linux. I do see there's a orca port for FreeBSD however I have not tried it. However, you don't want to do anything via the console interface since it's without any kind of GUI in KDE / gnome sense, instead it's managed remotely via web GUI.
So assuming you have orca on your operating system or any kind of 
accessibility ready, all you need to do is open pfSense management IP in 
your local browser. Then all management is being done via Web GUI. Can 
orca or any accessibility reader help there?
The only issue I see here the installation process. However, if you lets 
say purchase preinstalled appliance, you will have pfSense already 
preinstalled. Other option is to download our preinstalled virtual 
machine for VMware if you have Gold Subscription. Third option is 
perhaps to have a friend install pfSense for you. I'm still trying to 
understand what exactly is causing the main issue here, so let me know 
if I'm on the right track!
Please feel free ask more questions.

My main issue is, if I boot that iso from a cd/usb drive, I'm assuming I'd have to attempt and somehow install orca then go from there? Thanks all!

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