Re: [orca-list] orca takes a while from initial startup to desktop focus

hi there,
i've also noticed this Behavior when launching orca.
could be another programm that could be running in the back_round? and
how much memmery it could be using?
i'm also using sonar.

my thoughts,
Majid Hussain

On 05/08/2016, Nick Wood <nick microlitesoftware co uk> wrote:
On 05/08/16 10:25, kendell clark wrote:
hi all
Subject line says it all. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but orca
takes anywhere from 5 to 10 seconds, sometimes even longer between
"screen reader on" and focusing on the desktop. This happens in both
mate and gnome, and in gnome's case orca doesn't focus on the desktop
until you press either control+alt+tab and release the keys on "desktop"
or press a shortcut key combo to focus on the desktop.
In my experience Orca has never reliably placed focus on the desktop
after startup in Gnome.  I've only ever seen this work reliably in
Unity.  Sorry never used Mate so can't comment.

I usually end up doing a left mouse click to focus Orca on the desktop
after startup, or alternatively doing the Alt+Tab method you describe.


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