Re: [orca-list] Does Orca not respect role="application" on anything other than body elements?

Hey Nolan.

I have made this change. If you are in browse mode, you can arrow up to
and beyond the role="application" element, but not in it.

As I indicated in my earlier response to you, if you are in focus mode
and Firefox's native caret navigation is enabled, you can arrow into the
content from your test case. This is not Orca's fault. Firefox's caret
navigation does that. Orca just tells you it has happened. It is up to
the web author/developer to keep that from happening in the first place.

Lastly, I agree wholeheartedly that there should be some way of
disabling this behavior so that an author misusing role="application"
does not keep Orca users from reading the content therein. I've
addressed this with a sticky browse mode. This use case was not what
motivated sticky browse mode, but seeing as how I was going to add
sticky browse mode anyway, this seemed like a reasonable place to
override broken authoring.

I hope what I've done is what you want and expect. Please let me know.


On 07/25/2016 12:35 PM, Nolan Darilek wrote:
Right, I'll be using role="document" in most places and implementing my
own handling where necessary. I just need to keep users from arrowing
down from a menu and landing at the beginning of a document area
containing text, thus moving their cursor position and triggering my
tracking code to trash their original place. :) Not sure if that will
work as I think it might, but in order to know I need role="application"
to work as described in the spec--or, at least, how I've seen it work in

That said, it might be nice to have some way of disabling that behavior.
I've seen a few sites that use it because hey, it's ARIA, they need to
use ARIA, and they're applications so... :) It'd be nice to have an
ejection seat from someone else's idea of a good experience.


On 07/25/2016 11:30 AM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey Nolan.

Understood. And I've put addressing this on my to-do list.

I trust that your application is going to handle the key events, right?
Because if Orca's focus mode kicks in, that just means it won't
reposition the caret; it won't prevent Firefox's native caret navigation
from doing so.


On 07/25/2016 11:51 AM, Nolan Darilek wrote:
Got it. My understanding is that role="application" should override text
navigability, which is why I'm using it in this instance.

Thanks for the explanation.

On 07/25/2016 10:04 AM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Nolan.

I just took a quick glance (as I'm in the middle of something else).
as a general rule, Orca respects role="application" on page elements
when there is not something that looks like caret-navigable text. And
your paragraph child looks like caret-navigable text.


On 07/25/2016 10:48 AM, Nolan Darilek wrote:
Working on an HTML-based ebook reader and am experimenting with using
role="application" so someone can't arrow down from a menu into ebook
text and trash their current position. But it doesn't seem like Orca
respects role="application" on non-body elements. Take, for instance,
this attached document. If I put role="application" on the body,
everything works as expected and I can't arrow around. But with it on
the <main/> element, nothing changes.

Am I missing something either in the spec, or in some Orca/Firefox
setup, that still permits this interaction? Thanks.

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