Re: [orca-list] is this an orca bug? changing speech-dispatcher's support for espeak's varients doesn't enable the varients to show up

On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 12:37:10AM AEST, kendell clark wrote:
hi all
Steps to reproduce. Make sure you are running speech dispatcher 0.8.5.
Then enable espeak's varient support by editing
/etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/espeak.conf or espeak-ng.conf, whichever
you're using. Change " espeak-list-voice-varients" from 0 to 1, then
save and close. Then kill speech-dispatcher with killall
speech-dispatcher. What should happen is speech-dispatcher will restart
and orca will have several thousand more voices to choose from. That
doesn't seem to happen.
Orca or maybe Speech Dispatcher's own python bindings may be caching the 
voice list. When stopping speech-dispatcher, did you check to make sure all 
the synth module processes were also killed?

I've already restarted orca to see if that might
fix the problem.
Did it?

It's possible speech-dispatcher now has proper varient
support and orca just needs to be updated to support it, I'm not sure.
Nothing has changed in Speech Dispatcher regarding variants in espeak, not 
since the functionality was introduced a couple of versions ago.


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