Re: [orca-list] The new Hypra website

On 08/26/2016 09:37 PM, kendell clark wrote:
Before I get jumped on for not being supportive of proprietary options, I'm not against them exactly, but I am against the expectation that you should use them.
Lol I have no problem saying I am 100% against proprietary options. I don't support them, and actively 
discourage people from using them. Further more, I will not help with their use, even if I know how.

On 08/26/2016 09:24 PM, B. Henry wrote:
The problem is for now.
I agree that as much as is practical we should always base work on FOS products and services, software, and systems, but some people must have something that works well enough for them today, not in a month, much less in 6 months or a couple of years, or when it happens, and someone must make the effort to
help them as well.
Some people can choose to not take on a project or job if it forces them to use non-free stuph, but others can not reasonably make that choice, or must use something non-free for now so that they become economically and or professionally stable enough to make other decisions in the future. I am not trying to get in to a debate, nor say that there is a right or better way to live and or compute that fits all users and situations, just saying that I aplaud the project for making a nonfree OCR engine available for those who need it. I think the people involved will choose FOS whenever possible from what little I know of them and their values and wishes, and for the record that is what I would most like to see, and I will support and promote the project more if that is the case. Anyway, I say thank you for your work with the Hypra Project, and for organizing your team to make Linux computing more accessible for blind and low
vision folks.

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